International Organizations
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International Organization for Migration (IOM)
IOM now maintains an extensive roster of absentee voting operations staff, proprietary information technology platforms, and the ability to organize voting services on a global scale on very short notice. Since 2002, IOM has implemented two technical cooperation projects with an overall emphasis on strengthening the voting rights of displaced persons, including refugees, asylum seekers, or IDPs. Under funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Participatory Elections Project (PEP) ran from 2002 until 2004. IOM identified the obligations, standards, and best practices in order to serve to the governmental effort toward the enfranchisement of displaced populations in post-conflict elections.
American Citizens Abroad – The Voice of Americans Overseas
Created in 1978, American Citizens Abroad (ACA), is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization whose mission is to defend the rights of Americans living overseas. ACA works to address issues facing private sector overseas Americans such as voting, citizenship, taxation, social security and representation. ACA keeps its worldwide membership regularly informed of American legislation affecting Americans overseas and works to assist Washington in developing cohesive national policies dealing with Americans residing abroad.
The Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, Inc.
The Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, Inc. (FAWCO), an NGO with special consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, is an international organization of over 77 independent clubs and associations with a combined membership of nearly 18,000 in 35 countries worldwide. Founded in 1931, it is the oldest and largest association representing private sector Americans abroad. FAWCO serves as a support network for its members and is active in U.S. citizens’ issues and global concerns that include education, environmental awareness, health, human rights, and women’s and children’s rights in particular. It has been committed to voting rights since its inception, and worked actively with partner organizations in the 70s to obtain the right to vote for Americans residing overseas.
Hispanic Communications Network
HCN is the leading producer and distributor of educational and informational media serving U.S. Hispanic communities. A full-service social marketing company, HCN is dedicated to creating communications products that improve the quality of life for Latinos living in the U.S.
5. Is PAM in Ghana?
PAM supporters are in countries all over the world. It is a virtual organization. For the moment its domicile is in New York State. It is not inconceivable that branches may be established elsewhere, including Ghana, as the movement gains momentum. If you believe in our work, contact us to find out how we can help you establish a PAM core group in your neighborhood.
The League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters (LWV), a nonpartisan political organization, has fought since 1920 to improve our systems of government and impact public policies through citizen education and advocacy. The League’s enduring vitality and resonance comes from its unique decentralized structure. The League is a grassroots organization, working at the national, state and local levels.
The National Campus Voter Registration Project
The National Campus Voter Registration Project (NCVRP) and Your Vote, Your Voice are cooperative efforts of 50 Washington, D.C.-based national higher education associations known collectively as the Washington Higher Education Secretariat. To support and enhance civic engagement and political participation among college students, the Washington Higher Education Secretariat launched Your Vote, Your Voice in 1996, and has been active in every federal election since then.
The National Defense Committee
The National Defense Committee (NDC) is a grass roots, pro-military organization supporting a larger and stronger military and the election of more veterans to the United States Congress.
The Military Voter Protection Project
The Military Voter Protection Project is dedicated to promoting and protecting our military members’ right to vote and ensuring that their votes are counted on Election Day. Through its Heroes Vote Initiative, the MVP Project works to ensure that military voters have an opportunity to register, request an absentee ballot, and cast a vote regardless of their location in the world. The MVP Project fights as hard for their rights as they fight to protect our rights., a national non-profit organization dedicated to empowering America’s youth. In this capacity, he leads campaigns to expand job opportunities, voting rights, and civic education among his generation.